Friday, February 26, 2010

Journal Topic

Hello friends this week for your journal topic I am asking a very simple question :))
Please write your answers in the "comments" part.
The question is:


(I don't ask your name, surname, title, your job. Just explain who you are in life)

Here is my answer to the question: I can write a composition to answer it but simply...

"I am just a dream of God and I am a dreamer. I am a drop of water in the ocean" E.S.
Note: For Tuesday you are supposed to read the ELT journal chapter 4. Please do not forget it and inform your friends who don't have a chance to read my reminder.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Journal Topic

Hello friends,

This week please write about the following topic in your notebook for the dialogue journal.

"Have you ever been misunderstood? What was the situation? Why do you think you were misunderstood in that situation? Please explain in detail"

If you haven't been misunderstood, please explain in general why people are misunderstood. What are the reasons of that?

Please bring your notebooks on Tuesday.
Take care