Saturday, January 30, 2010

ELT Journal

"You've Got mail": A film workshop
Hello friends, I think most of you have watched this film. The article we are going to discuss is about it as you know. Thus, please check out the following questions, read the article and if necessary watch the film again more critically.
1- The article states that using films as teaching materials brings many advantages. But what could be the disadvanatages ? Please write your opinions.
2- The researcher used films in the lesson called "Media Studies" and created an indepth analyses of films together with students. As a candidate teacher, in which lesson would you like to use films and why?
3-I used the film "You've got mail" to teach vocabulary in my reading class. After the students watched the film, I gave them a short summary of the plot and students were supposed to fill in the blanks with the required vocabulary such as "competition, chain store, family-owned business etc." So, think about an activity related with this film that you could use in your language class. What sort of activites could you give to your students about this film? Please write in details.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Journal Topic

Hello friends,
I hope you are enjoying your holiday. Have a good rest and please do the assignments until you come back to school.
Here you go. The first one.
Write your comments about the following question. There is no correct answer as you might guess. Just write what you think.
Why do we call a pencil "pencil"?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Hello everybody,
Sorry for the delay about the post that you are going to write in your dialogue journal.
This week please visit the the following website and take the quiz:
In your journal please write :
1- How did the color quiz results describe you? (Explain briefly)
2- How accurate do you think the quiz was in describing you?
3-Do you believe the quiz is a reliable tool for assessing someone's personality?
4-Do you believe there is a connection between color preference and personality?