Thursday, April 22, 2010

Journal Topic

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

As we studied about adjectives and descriptive language in our lesson, now it is time to use them.

This week, you are going to create your own poem.

Let's see how we can do it. There are some simple steps to follow:

Write a 5-line poem in the following constructive manner.
1- On the first line write a noun of your choice.
2- On the second line write two adjectives joined by and to describe this noun.
3- On the third line write a verb and an adverb to describe this noun in action
4- Start the fourth line with "like or as" followed by a comparison.
5- Start the final line with "if only" followed by a wish.

Here are some examples of a few well-known poets:

Terrible and wonderful
Going fast
Like a train
If I only knew where it goes and when it stops.
(by Marielle Gustafsson)

Light and cunning
Flying everywhere
Like a naughty boy
If only I had the patience to catch him.
(by Candace)

The sky
Blue and deep
Waiting patiently
Like eternity
If only I can fly to it.
(by Francisco Ramirez Alvarado)

Please write your poems and publish them in the comments. I believe yours will be better than the examples given above :))


  1. rainbow
    chherful colourful
    emerging and being lost immediately
    like lovers
    ıf only ı can reach it
    (by veysel Öz)

  2. You
    inaccessible and indefinable
    reviving me daily
    like an angel distributes energy to people to live
    if only ı were an ash of sth that u burned..

  3. Rain
    Torrential and overnight
    Pouring everywhere
    Like homeless people
    If only I could make it light

  4. Sea
    Blue and forever
    Relaxing people
    Like a wonderful song
    If only we had always a chance in order to listen this beautiful song.

  5. Hello guys, these are all great!. I said yours will be much better than the examples I gave :) I especially liked the "if only" parts you all wrote :)))

  6. your eyes
    meaningfull and indispensable
    capturing me
    like a prison
    ıf only ı stayed at your eyes for ever.

  7. LOVE!
    gripping and misty
    making you dizzy
    like a cigarette
    if only ı could smoke it to the end...!

    beautiful and cheerful
    teaching without forcing
    like a book
    İf only every student could read this book...:)


  9. Thank you Abdullah :) I am flattered :)
