Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Hello everybody,
It's been so long. I hope you are having good time.
Please do not forget to bring your homework to the class on Monday.
This is your holiday task.
What is "biodiversity hotspot"?
- Where are they?
- Why are they in danger?
- What will happen if they are not protected?
Please write your answers in the comments.
By the way, look up the meanings of the following vocabulary before our lesson:
endangered species,
human impact,
See you in class on Monday :)


  1. -biodiversity hotspot is a biogeographic region with a significant reservoir of biodiversity that is under threat from human
    -they are in australia
    -they are in danger because of environmental pollution from fabric,infestructer work,clime amendment,forest fire.
    -ıt will increase in the future in the absence of active conservation management

  2. 1- The biodiversity hotspot is a region of the world which is very biologically various and under threat because of climate changes,species loss etc.

    2- These hotspots can be found all over the world.North and Central America,South America,Africa,Asia-Pasific.

    3- They are in danger due to ,
    forests are being cleared for farming
    accommodate the growing population
    road construction etc.

    4- If we do not protect these significant areas ,next generations will not see the special species even will not imagine how they were..

  3. Biodiverity hot spot is some regions which under threat due to forest fire,rainforest,environmental.They are in Australia,America,Africa,South Atlantic and Asia.They are in danger because of forest fire,environmental pollution and rainforest.If we do not protect them, some types of animals will extinct.

  4. *biodiversity refers to the variation of life forms.It can be used to describe the variation of life in a single ecosystem a geographical region or entire planet.

    *As a general rule, biodiversity is greater around the equator and less marked at the poles, due to the more harsh and demanding environment at the poles.

    *They are danger because rainforest,environmental pollution,forest fires.

    *If they are not protected they will impend about the balance of the earth.

  5. Biodiversity hotspot is a biogeographic region with a significant reservoir of biodiversity that is under threat from humans.
    They are in regions in the developed world( the California Floristic Province,etc.), alongside regions in the developing world ( Madagascar,etc.).
    -They are in danger because the ambition of to be better from the other countries and live comfortably(harms of industrialization,automobiles' fumes,etc.)
    -We are already in threat of the diseases(for example ray of sun which effects us negatively-as well it can be cause of skin cancer-)

  6. Biodiversity hotspot is a biogeographic region that is both a significiant reservoir of biodiversity and is threatened with destruction.
    they are in north america,europe,asia,asia-pasific.they are in danger because of changing climate.ıf we do not notice something and start ,everything will exinct.

  7. For existing of peoples' life,we necessitate of clear water.fresh air,fertile soil.Cope Floristic Region,Caucasus,Atlantic Forest,Calafornia Floristic Province are some biodiversity hotspot areas.When industrial revolution occured,carbon dioxide increased in atmosphere.Furthermore people continued to use fossil fuels.As we get in trouble of global warming ,sea level overflows.Because lake and river dry up,we have matter of water shortage,drought.We should take public transportations like bicycle,rollerskate.We may prefer of walking rather than calling a taki or driving a car.We can separate off our some rubbish staffs like plastic,paper,battery and something like them for recycling.

  8. Bıodıversiıty is a type of ecological system whıch necessity for people and theır healt.In the world we have got several bıodıversity areas for example,Cerrado,Mountaıns of Central Asia,Coastal Forest of Eastern Africa lıke that..
    Because of the melting of the glacier ecological balance start to change,so it brings a lot of problem for environment.The most important is Clımate Change.Also it cause water shortage,dry up lakes and rıver therefore we are facing of drought.
    We should put the rubbısh rcylıng bins.What is more we can benefıt the sun lıgt to heat houses and hot water.Besides,we should take a filter on the factory chımney.Furthermore,we shoul not destroy agricultural land and forest for buııldıng or touristıc place.
    If we do not concern thıs matter adequately,ıt will bring awful consequances we have never thouhgt

  9. -) biodiversity hotspot is a region that is so biologically different and endargered on account of region modification...
    -)Australia,America,Africa,South Atlantic ..
    -)they are in risk on account of environmental reasons.
    -)ıf they are not protect the world damage because this.

  10. I believe that people damage to the environment.There are many constructed actions we can take to improve our environment.We can solve our environmental problems looking at their causus.Generally this is comman in devoloping countries
