Saturday, May 7, 2011

Take it or leave it

Hello everybody,

You know we started a discussion about technology on Friday, but we could not have enough time to end it.

You can tell your arguments here about the same question.

"Does technology create a hell or heaven?"

See you in class on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. I use blessings of technology. If I could not use it, my life would be harder, because I am in the habbit of it. Granted, it makes easy our lifes, but we should not confuse it with heaven. Actually the technology does create a hell. Firstly if I think about social side, in the old days’ people were passing more time with each other than today’s people, because today’s people are wasting more time with television and computer. Of course we use computer to obtain information, and use electricty, refrigerators, dishwashers, cars and these kind of necessary tools. But if we look the other side of medallion, we can see the world is going to worse.
