Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The explosion was the most terrifying event for me when ı was 8 in Kırıkkale.It was so effective on me that ı stiill remember it well.It was a warmish,pretty day.Weather was utterly still like silence before storm.There were children and bird voices.My friends and me were playing game in my friends home.
Suddenly,window frame fell down with huge bang.It was so harsh that my ears were aching.I went to home and it went on exploiding.We felt like an eartquake was happening while bombs were exploiding.Then,it was anounced that we had to go farther places because there was explosion in armory.This armory had a lot of bombs,weapons,gunpowders and such as combustible materials,so it was very dangerous.Polices began to empty city.My family and me went to my uncle’s garden in Yahişhan which is the Kırıkkale’s county.We could see fumes which were arising from factory in there.There were stil small explosions,but again suddenly a big explosion happened and a vast boiling cloud of dust began to arise to sky.Sky was mixture of grey,scarlet fever,and it smelled so choky.Fire couldn’t be stopped and if this went on,Kırıkkale and even half of the Ankara would vanish,so my family and me went to Ankara.

Finally,fire was stopped with difficulty.we returned to our homes a few days later,but our home’s Windows were broken and walls were craced.Everywhere was sooty.This event had happened again years ago and we though that this wasn’t last one.
Written by: Sevda Yumus

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