Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Nightmare Day

1st December 2007.The day me grandfahter closed his eyes to the world was the worst day of my life. I and my family were gathered around my grandfather's deadbed. There was a grave slience while everybody was keeping their head down and praying sliently. However, I could feel the heart-torning screams coming from deep insidetheir soul.The only sound in the room was my grandfather's painful mourning which was killing us withhim.

Suddenly, The voice disappeared and left its place to a dead slience.Everbody stood up with worry.I runned check my grandfather's pulse ,but when I toched him, I felt nothing but the cold body of him.The moment I broke into tears, everybody felt the weight of the world on their shoulders.The slience was ceasedby the outcries like a thunder that felt in the middle of the house.With the dead of beloved husband, father, grandfather,every sense but sorrow died.We unclothed him and put a white sheet on him. Under the sheet he seemed like a sleepingangel which was about to oped his wide wings and fly to the heaven.With the sun-rise, it was time for us to prepare him for funeral ceremony.We washed him gently as if he had been stiil alive. We were still avoiding to hurt him.His body was as cold as ice ,and his skin was as soft as silk.Then, I combed his hair as though I was preparinghim for the most important meeting.Then we put him in his coffin which was like a steel cage from which there was no escape.We took my grandfather to the mosque where he lied sliently like a sleeping baby for his funeral ceremony. After the ceremony, we took him to the graveyard to bury him ,and in order to do our last service for him.The graveyard was full of agony ,andeverybody felt the coldness of this agony deep in their heart.While we were burying him, the rain was washing our tears as ifit was trying to console us, but it didn't help us to stop our cries.

After the burial, we went back to home, but there was something missing.We had left my grandfather alone.I felt like running till his grave to bring back even though I knew there was no way of it as he had come to the end.When we were servedmeals, nobody touched them.They all tasted bland.My grandfahter's dead had influenced us terribly.Although i don't cry anymore, one part of my heart still misses him desperately.


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